Prophetic Pearls: Imam Nawawi's 40 Hadith
A CMC Retreat organized by the Chicago Mawlid Committee in Chicago, IL in May 2012.
The CMC and MEC Special Events Committee welcome you to the Prophetic Pearls seminar with Shaykh Samer al-Nass, one of the foremost scholars of the Middle East in our time. Rarely do Muslims in the West have an opportunity to pursue serious study with the great scholars of the Muslim world. Even more rare is to have an esteemed scholar who is fluent in the English language and has a wealth of experience teaching Westerners both in his home country and abroad. And finally, to pursue the study of fundamental, critically important texts, such as the Arba'in al-Nawawiyya, the Forty Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi, with such a scholar makes the Prophetic Pearls seminar a truly unique opportunity indeed. We are thankful to the Almighty for choosing us to spend time and learn with a scholar of the highest esteem and caliber. We are further graced by your willingness to participate and your presence with us.
Playlist of parts 1 through 17 below or click here to access the playlist on Youtube.
Alternatively, click here to download the entire lecture series.
The CMC and MEC Special Events Committee welcome you to the Prophetic Pearls seminar with Shaykh Samer al-Nass, one of the foremost scholars of the Middle East in our time. Rarely do Muslims in the West have an opportunity to pursue serious study with the great scholars of the Muslim world. Even more rare is to have an esteemed scholar who is fluent in the English language and has a wealth of experience teaching Westerners both in his home country and abroad. And finally, to pursue the study of fundamental, critically important texts, such as the Arba'in al-Nawawiyya, the Forty Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi, with such a scholar makes the Prophetic Pearls seminar a truly unique opportunity indeed. We are thankful to the Almighty for choosing us to spend time and learn with a scholar of the highest esteem and caliber. We are further graced by your willingness to participate and your presence with us.
Playlist of parts 1 through 17 below or click here to access the playlist on Youtube.
Alternatively, click here to download the entire lecture series.